Advanced Android interview questions and answers
1 min readMay 31, 2024
For seasoned Android developers, interviews can delve deeply into the intricacies of the Android ecosystem. Below is a compilation of advanced Android interview questions along with their detailed answers to help you prepare effectively.
Advanced Android interview questions and answers
- What is the difference between a fragment and an activity in Android?
- What is the importance of the AndroidManifest.xml file in an Android application?
- How do you implement data binding in an Android application?
- What is the difference between an implicit and an explicit intent in Android?
- How do you handle configuration changes like screen rotations in an Android application?
- What are the different types of layouts available in Android, and when would you use each one?
- What dialog boxes are supported on Android?
- What is the Android application life cycle, and how do you handle each stage?
- How do you implement localization in an Android application?
- What is the purpose of the LayoutInflater in Android, and how is it used?
- What is the difference between a service and a broadcast receiver in Android?
- How do you handle background tasks in an Android application?
- What is Android Debug Bridge(ADB)?
- What are DDMS and AIDL?